Hadley Wood in Lockdown

We like to walk in Hadley Wood, normally we park in Camlet Way, Monken-Hadley but there were no spaces so we went to the car park at the bottom of Hadley Wood Road.  It is a magnificent old English wood with magnificent Beech and Oak trees.  Both Henry VIII and Elizabeth I and possibly James I hunted here, it was then part of the extensive Royal hunting grounds, and I imagine stepping where royalty once rode.

Hadley Wood 2


There were more visitors, couples, groups, single persons than usual so we took our selves to a part of the wood we’d not before been, it was weird having to social distance in a such large wood!  This new part felt and looked quite different.


I used this photo in the featured image but I like the whole photo so I repeat it here.


We absorbed energy from the trees, walked and chatted then found a convenient log to sit and stare a while.  Trees talk too, chemicals drifting in the air and dialogue through the network of roots and fungi running under our feet.  Even fallen trees shoot green and sometimes stumps are kept alive by nutrient supplied by the trees around it.

After a while to wandered off and came across a fallen oak tree that was being cut onto pieces.  Up close like this, trees seem huge I could see how oak is so very heavy, massive.

Hadley Wood Logs 2


Hadley Wood Logs



On one of them, that looked as if two trunks had grown together, you could see marks of the chainsaw used to slice it.



Eventually we came to the bridge made of railway sleepers, that crossed one of the little ditches that run down the hill.  It is near a pool that had form during the rain of last year.

Hadley Wood Pond



I liked the contrast of shadows painted on muddied water next to clear and bright reflections of trees and sky.




Hadley Wood Pond 2



More mud than reflection here.





Hadley Wood Pond 3



Here the tree seems to be holding up the bank in an upside-down world.




We dodged back into the newly discovered part of the wood to avoid some walkers.  Good job we did or we would have missed two shrines or, perhaps, shamanic portals to the other worlds.

Hadley Wood Door

I particularly liked this one.  One of the stones has red markings.

Hadley Wood Door 2

Then back to the car and home.


5 thoughts on “Hadley Wood in Lockdown

  1. What an enjoyable email, Anthony. We are so unaware of the beauty around us. Your account made me feel I had been on the walk with you both. So refreshing.

    Irene x

  2. I love the feeling of discovering a new part of the woods. I felt like I was there walking alongside the both of you! The shrines (or portals) are beautiful too. x

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